>We will always do our best to satisfy the various needs of our customers.
Paint sealing
Bead Test
1. After Hem Sealing
Used for waterproof and sound deadener.
Discharging as a line bead at hem flange of opening parts.
- material viscosity : 100,000 ~ 120,000 cps
- White color Paste, Heat curing PVC Resin
- Specific weight : below than 1.7
Required exact and aethetical coating on flange because of outer part.
Need a Vision system for setting a zero point for its operation.
Needed a exact metering system.
2. LASD (Loquid Applied Sound Deadener)
Instead of pad, LASD is sprayed to reduce the vibration and noise.
- Material viscosity : 10,000 ~ 20,000 CPS
- Black color Paste, Heat curing Acryl Emulsion
- able to reduce the cost.
- Improving the environment of workshop.
- Reducing the vehicle weight.
3. Cosmetic (Oiler)
Sprayed as a bead on flage of opening part and Dash panel.
- Viscosity : 20,000 ~ 40,000 cps/20°C
- White color Paste, Heat curing PVC Resin
- Specific weight : below than 1.6 (20°C)
Needed to spray elaborately as a much narrow bead.
4. UBS (Under body sealer)
Used for waterproof and sound deadener on the underbody, hem flange and wheel house.
- Viscosity : 140,000 ~ 170,000 cps
- White color Paste
- Specific weight : below than 1.7 (20°C)
Needed to spray elaborately as a narrow bead.
5. UBC (Under body coating Deadner)
Used for waterproof and anticorrosion widely on the underbody.
- Viscosity : 34,000 ~ 44,000 cps
- Black color Paste, Expansion rate more 40%, Heat curing PVC Resin
- Specific weight : below than 1.32
Needed to spray elaborately as a narrow bead.
6. ISS (Interior seam sealing)
Used for waterproof, sound deadener and anticorrosion on panels like dash lower and cowl.
- Viscosity : 100,000 ~ 130,000 cps
- White color Paste, Heat curing PVC Resin
- Specific weight : below than 1.7
Using the low viscous material because of workability.
Needed to spray evenly.
7. RPP (Roker panel primer)
Sprayed on the outter panel like a side sill in order to protect from damage by small stones from ground.
- Viscosity : 10,000 ~ 20,000 cps
- Gray color Paste, Heat curing PVC Resin
- Specific weight : below than 1.45
Needed to spray evenly.
Needed to recover the remainder.
SSM-120 Single acting Servo Meter-120cc
Single Acting - Positive Displacement Meter
•   Controlling the flow rate through displacement controll by servo motor.
•   Achieving a constant bead on surge free.
•   Able to change its flow rate to respond to a change of speed or pattern.
•   Able to use all kinds of material.
•   Improving the maintenance with high wear resistance and long life seal.
•   Various option for installation and the thermal control device (Peltier Contioner).
SSM-120 is a product responding to the automization of sealing process in paint shop of vehicle.
Especially, this is optimized to the cosmetic process with one material which needs a exact controll of the flow rate in the range of a low flow rate.
•   Able to apply for extrude, flat stream, spray and swirl bead.
•   Able to apply for low volume sealing like hem flange, roof ditch and cosmetic sealing process.
•   A user oriented Interface and a built in diagnostic tool
What is Doser?
Dose in dictionary,
A dose of medicine or a drug is a measured amount of it which is intended to be taken at one time.
You add - er to words to form nouns which
refer to a person who is associated or
involved with the thing described by the
Doser in industry,
It is a kind of metering equipment to controll the flow rate of fluid.
SSM-170 Single acting Servo Meter-1700cc
Single Acting - Positive Displacement Meter
•   Controlling the flow rate through displacement control by servo motor.
•   Achieving a constant bead on surge free.
•   Able to change its flow rate to respond to a change of speed or pattern.
•   Used for one material and high viscous sealant.
•   Improving the maintenance with high wear resistance and long life seal.
•   Various option for installation and easy installation.
SSD is a big volume product responding to the automization of sealing and LASD process in paint shop of vehicle.
Especially, this is optimized to the continuous production and the exact control of the flow rate in one material process through 'Positive Displacement Metering'.
•   Appliable to Flat stream and Multi stream Orifice.
•   Applicable to a high volume dispensing process like LASD, Anti chip and Deadner.
•   - A user oriented Interface and a built in diagnostic tool.